TargetMine Enrichment service Arguments: theme: 'Pathway','Gene Ontology','GO Slim','Disease Ontology','Compound','CATH Classification','Integrated Pathway Cluster' dataSet: only for the Pathway, Gene Ontology, GO Slim & Compound [optional], the first one is the default value. (Pathway) 'All data set', 'KEGG Pathway', 'Reactome', 'NCI Pathway Interaction Database'(NCI-PID is human only); (Gene Ontology & GO Slim) 'Biological_Process', 'Molecular_Function', 'Cellular_Component'; (Compound) 'DrugBank', 'ChEMBL', 'Ligand Expo'; list: [Your gene list, comma seperated] ; we recommend to use NCBI Gene ID taxonId: 9606 (human), 10116 (rat), 10090 (mouse) correctionMethod: 'BONFERRONI','BENJAMINI_HOCHBERG','HOLM_BONFERRONI','NONE' [optional], the default is 'BENJAMINI_HOCHBERG' cutOff: filter for the p-value [optional], the default is 0.05 showBg: show the background count, 'true' or 'false' [optional], the default is 'false' useSymbol: show gene symbols instead of gene ID, 'true' or 'false' [optional], the default is 'false' Example:,125,217,2944,2947,2950,2952,3105,3106,3107,3115,3119,3123,3265,3304,3458,3586,3856,4257,5444,54576,54577,54578,54658,5644,6648,6690,7040,7124,847,929&showBg=true